Knowing the church’s past is like knowing one’s own family history – it
helps understand who we are as Christians in the world. It also provides a
vital background to thinking about the place and future of Christian faith in
the modern world.
- Manager: Ant Pettit

- Manager: Ant Pettit

To study theology is to open ourselves up to God, to allow ourselves, our lives and our characters, to be shaped by the nature and purpose of God. We do this in the company of Christians of all times and places, who have embarked on the adventure of faith. So the study of theology is a spiritual discipline, but is undertaken not just for our own benefit but also so that we can become part of God’s loving action for the world. If we are to be people sent by the God of mission, we need to be deeply rooted in scripture and tradition, we need to have thought through and prayed through our understanding and experience of God. Our society needs good theologians more than it ever has before.
- Manager: Ant Pettit